Help! I've been told my baby is too small. What should I do?

The year of 2017 seems to be the year of my baby is too small stories. 

I’ve met a number of women this year with newborns who were told this same story and all of them had followed their obstetricians advice and were induced before their due dates.  At this time, I won’t discuss how labour progresses when we are induced before the cervix is ripe, that’s another story for another time. Everyone of these prematurely induced babies showed no signs of uterine growth restriction and all weighed heavier than they had been estimated.

Cherish Every Moment

When I was raising my babies 22 years ago, I was very fortunate. I was a farmer, midwife and herbalist. My children could be at my side while I worked, my first baby attending many births on my back.

Todays society doesn't support mothers to be at home with their babies for very long. Everything is structured to get those little people into day care and mothers back to work as soon as possible.