Positive Breastfeeding & Early Parenting Preparation Workshop
Please note I can cater this workshop for couples privately that have already had children.
In many countries still today, women are honoured, nurtured and cared for by their mothers, sisters and friends as they heal after birth. The postnatal rest period is usually for a minimum of one month, often 6 weeks. These women want for nothing, they are pampered, fed and kept warm. Older siblings are cared for as the mother rests and feeds her newborn, mastering the art of breastfeeding. This time of rest is not seen as a privilege, but an important and vital time of healing for the Mother who has just given birth.
In Australia we aren't all so fortunate to have our extended families to care for us after birth. Therefore it's vitally important to get strategies in place before birth to support your full recovery mentally and physically. Equally as important, being informed as to the needs of your newborn and how to prepare for their arrival can make the transition from maiden to mother a more gentle and joyful experience.
Many women start out on their breastfeeding journeys with the bare bones of preparation. They haven’t been taught the fundamentals of normal healthy breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a natural experience that has to be learnt and then mastered. With good preparation and patience most women will master the art of breastfeeding.
About the Workshop
My workshop is designed to prepare couples for a more positive and prepared postnatal experience. With 27 years of experience supporting families during and after birth, I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge surrounding this beautiful but very delicate time. I think it’s underestimated how much we can benefit from being prepared for what lays ahead after birth.
This workshop will……
We will fully discuss and practice the basic fundamentals of physiological breastfeeding. Hands on learning with a doll baby for all attending, yes this includes your partner.
An in depth understanding of how your baby’s sleep needs and feeding are intertwined. Both you and your partner will leave feeling more confident and have a more realistic expectation.
Information based on the reality of having a newborn and putting strategies in place to make this time more joyful.
Guide you and your partner as to how to set up the care you will need after birth.
Provide you with tools which will give you confidence on your path into parenthood.
This workshop is empowering for partners, partners tend to retain the workshop information well and proudly utilise their skills after birth.
An opportunity to meet other couples.
“We did Jodi’s breast feeding workshop and it was fantastic. As a first time expectant mother all you ever hear is “don’t stress if you can’t breast feed, or don’t put too much pressure on yourself” this made the whole idea of breast feeding very daunting. After taking Jodi’s workshop it allowed me and my partner to talk about our fears and concerns in a safe space with other couples and be educated on breastfeeding but also on what to expect when you leave the hospital and are on your own! I feel totally comfortable and excited for all that’s to come.”
Workshop Details
The workshop runs for approximately 4. hours, using a variety of teaching methods. Parents will learn valuable skills to support them during the first 3 months of their baby’s life and beyond.
workshop curriculum
Develop a deeper understanding of how normal, healthy breastfeeding works using a variety of learning modalities, including plenty of hands on learning.
Gain greater awareness of your breast anatomy, confidence with breastfeeding positions and how to achieve a good latch technique.
Practical, visual understanding of what to expect in regards to baby's feeding needs and everything associated with this topic.
Preparing for baby’s arrival
What’s to be expected in the first 3 months in regards to baby’s crying, sleep and sensory needs.
Techniques that may help your baby sleep better and cry less by following their instinctual cues and sensory needs.
How to bath and wrap your baby.
Getting familiar with normal physical ailments and discomforts of the new born.
Care of the new Mum
Learn what partners and friends can do to help.
How to set up support systems before your baby is born.
What’s normal in regards to the emotional and physical experience of the postnatal mum.
How Dad can help and what Mum needs to recover fully.
Discussion about practical healing remedies.
How to do your own perineal sitz bath at home.
$200 a couple in a group workshop
$400 privately, I’m happy for any support people to attend
“A month before the birth of my first baby my partner and I completed the breastfeeding workshop with Jodi. Being a first time mum the course really equipped me with what to expect in the areas of breastfeeding, bathing, soothing and nurturing my baby. Once we brought our baby home the information for me and my partner has been invaluable. It built my confidence in the role of a mother, which also helped reassure my beautiful partner.”
“The breastfeeding workshop is a fabulous session, full of information on how to make the post natal period easier and more intuitive. Lots of helpful hints were included on positioning, preventing common breastfeeding grievances, bathing, bonding (for both Dad & Mum) and taking care of yourself and bub after birth to ensure we get the most out of our introduction into parenthood. We highly recommend this workshop to all expectant mothers and fathers!
“I really enjoyed the workshop. I found the information both interesting and practical. Jodi provided a relaxed atmosphere and incorporated theory, videos, and practical demonstrations into the workshop. I would definitely recommend this workshop to people who are interested in learning about breastfeeding”
“ I’d definitely recommend this workshop to other pregnant women and their spouses. Especially in this day and age, we are not necessarily learning these important things from our “tribes.” And to wait until the baby is here crying and mum sleep deprived doesn’t seem like the ideal time to be figuring it all out . ”
“We loved Jodi’s workshop. It helped prepare us so well for after birth. Before doing this workshop we had no idea of what we were in for. I would recommend this workshop to all first time parents. ”